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Messages - tetrisdan

Any1 know if the membership problem has been solved yet? Can't wait to TOJ!! >.<
Thanks Wojtek. Any idea when the problem will be fixed?
I've made 3 different accounts just in case i made a mistake, but none of them seems to work. i go to log in through the online launcher and it's always 'login failed'. i even tried through the website and it still didn't work -.-" any ideas? pleaseee
Introductions / Hi ^^
October 26, 2010, 01:25:47 AM
Lol dw i didn't even realise you said David until someone pointed it out. I'm level 21 (prodigy) on TetrisBattle but only level 12 (veteran) on Tetris Arena. Thanks for all the replys
Introductions / Hi ^^
October 25, 2010, 03:00:49 AM
Hello Tetris fans. My name is Daniel and i've been playing for about half a year. I play virtually every mod on tetrisfriends. I considered myself to be pretty good but judging by some of the demoes i've seen of you guys, i'd say that i'm not as decent as i thought :< I love the game and i probably play it to much. Thanks for welcoming me into the community. I hope with so many difficult players to compare my abilities against, i can become even better