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Messages - PuertoRican

Arena / *Tetris Friends Tournament Discussion*
September 18, 2010, 06:57:25 PM
I don't play Marathon/Challenge modes, but I'll participate in this tournament if having more users helps make a better impression so there can be a wider variety of events in the future.
Introductions / hi
September 18, 2010, 06:50:55 PM
Quote from: Paul676
I think he means by acceleration a zero das. He talked of a slight delay before the piece moves to the left or right. So set DAS to zero in advanced options, and that delay should be gone.

I think DAS is it.
I played a few games after messing around with the setting, the pieces move better, but I'm also used to Tetris Zone's feel, so there isn't a perfect setting to make it feel the same. It ends up being too slick or too slow.

Thanks for the help/suggestions.
Introductions / hi
September 18, 2010, 05:42:03 PM
Acceleration happens inside the game play, when you move the blocks.
All web based Tetris games don't seem to have acceleration in their Sprint modes, which you can see when you simply move a block from left to right, you will notice a slight jerk or pause before the block actually moves to the left or right.

If you have played on Tetris Zone, you would see what I mean right away, as you can move blocks around at will. A big example would be to play Sprint at, then play at Tetris Zone, it's very easy to see the difference in how the blocks move and feel.

Also, I don't think me posting a video would help, since you would have to feel it for yourself. Maybe some other Tetris Zone players on this forum can test this out and speak up.
Introductions / hi
September 18, 2010, 06:26:06 AM
Quote from: Someone2knoe
It makes up for it with gameplay. In many ways its the best multiplayer tetris, you can customize so much. Blockbox is also good. I think blockbox is sort of like pure tetris, the default settings have no t-spin type things. Also it is incredibly fast.

BB and Nullpo are probably the best multiplayer tetris games you will find. The biggest thing they lack is players.

BlockBox doesn't have acceleration.
I just registered, setup my controls, and tested the game, and saw the bad news.
As I stated in my original post, I don't like web based Tetris games, because they don't offer acceleration in Sprint mode.
Introductions / hi
September 17, 2010, 08:21:35 PM
Quote from: Someone2knoe
Yeah thats the downside to nullpo, not user friendly.
The readme helps a lot though. It will be worth it for you to learn to play it. Also there is a guide in the help forum.


I went to their website, and looked up the directions.
It's too bad that setting something up such as Tetris is so difficult, when compared to all the other Tetris versions I've played.

If Nullpomino ever makes an .EXE version of their game, where all you need to do is open it up, setup your controls, and play, then I'll give it a try, until then I wont play it.
Introductions / hi
September 17, 2010, 06:36:42 PM
Quote from: crzy242
if you hate web-based games, you'll LOVE nullpomino!

[link removed]

How do I start the game?
I downloaded it, setup the controls, and now I'm trying to figure out how to press start, there isn't a Start button and none of the keys on my keyboard start the game.
Introductions / hi
September 15, 2010, 01:16:03 AM
Hello, I randomly found this site while searching for something Tetris related.

Favorite Tetris version and where I play: Tetris Zone
Mode I play: Sprint
Tetris versions I dislike: Anything web based, as it makes Sprint useless, even for the websites that have a Sprint mode. Acceleration is a must.
Favorite game: Starcraft