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Messages - KeroKai

Introductions / Some random tetris noob
July 10, 2011, 11:14:34 AM
Quote from: XaeL
hmm 1:15 after a few days is really good.

Hell Yeah.
I don't remember getting that score till several months, at least on TF.

Anyhow keep up on the journal. Amusing read ^^
General / Personality Quiz
April 17, 2011, 08:52:30 AM
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
Quote from: virulent
i got ENFP n the catalyst temperament

multitalented individuals who may succeed in a number of creative endeavors
Their characteristically short attention span and diversity of interests may sabotage their accomplishment in enterprises demanding tenacity and single-mindedness.

i guess they're true? do i have a short attention span T.T [moves on] but i feel like most of these would fit anyone's personality T.T; kinda like horoscopes n such :s although the temperament they said was least like me was i suppose :s

It's a little different to horoscopes. If you read the other profiles, you'll find that you'll fit some extremely more so than others. Having said that, there are some types that are more similar to each other which is represented by the temperaments.

For example, the ENFJ sounds similar to ESFJ because they both share other-people feeling as their primary value. If you got ENFP, and didn't feel that you fit the temperament. Have a look at the ESFP profile and the SP temperament instead. Maybe that's a better fit?

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
sean: ISTJs are quiet, serious, responsible, sensible, patient, conservative, loyal Hard work, honesty, politeness, timeliness and faithfulness to family, friends and country are foremost among the ISTJ's honored values. iono the rest didn't seem fit for you imo o.o;; it sounded like they were describing you as particularly single-minded which didn't sound right o well :s

Yeah, unfortunately... since MBTI was developed by an "N" individual. People with S in their 4 letter profile will always get the more lame description. There is an element of bias.
General / Personality Quiz
April 13, 2011, 04:43:04 PM
Quote from: larrytetris
Did this again but at a different site:

Extraverted    Intuitive    Feeling    Judging
Strength of the preferences %
78    38    62    22

I can believe that. Your Martin Luther King signature only supports it even more.
General / HD Poker Tourney (SnG)
April 11, 2011, 09:38:38 AM
How'd the game go?

Would have played but it was way too late for me.
Tetris / Why do you still play?
March 28, 2011, 04:51:09 PM
Quote from: Ravendarksky
I just enjoy the puzzle element of it... fixing different missdrops with different spins, thinking about the way things fit together,

getting into patterns where I can drop out 5+ b2b tsts.

Pretty much this sort of goal.

I like the idea of beating people faster than me by just downstacking and setting up better. This is my main objective... learning how to play efficiently rather than quickly. Obviously, to become number one would require a combination of both. But I'm happy with the knowledge that I won't be the fastest.
General / HD Poker Tourney (SnG)
March 22, 2011, 12:28:47 PM
Now this is something I'd be interested in.
General / Pray for Japan
March 21, 2011, 04:23:23 AM
Quote from: ohitsstef
lol fox predicted an earthquake for yesterday
didn't happen

i think it's hard to accurately predict an earthquake anyways
what does the moon's alignment have to do with the intensity of an earthquake? what does it have to do with earthquakes to start with? -__-

Only thing I could think of, would be the tidal waves being affected by the moon. But otherwise, no idea.
Strategy/Help / S/Z Spins
March 13, 2011, 07:09:15 AM
A common mistake is pre-rotating the S/Z piece the wrong way when attempting to slot them in.

For example: If you are trying to slot in a Z piece, make sure you are pre-rotating it with the counter-clockwise direction before pressing it again to actually slot to the thing in. Since I was still getting the hang of rotating with two button, I'd often pre-rotate with X (CW) and then attempt to slot a Z (CCW) piece in. It doesn't work.

Don't know if that's your issue. But it's worth remembering imo.
Arena / Nullpo Tetris League: SEASON TWO HAS BEGUN
March 11, 2011, 07:03:03 PM
Followed by 10 KeroKai - Jemm 15

Arena / Nullpo Tetris League: SEASON TWO HAS BEGUN
March 08, 2011, 10:21:14 AM
Ocean, do you want to play with me now?
Arena / Nullpo Tetris League: SEASON TWO HAS BEGUN
March 08, 2011, 02:14:15 AM
Paradox - KeroKai (15 - 4)

Rest shall come shortly as soon as I get ahold of the others.
Arena / Nullpo Tetris League: SEASON TWO HAS BEGUN
March 06, 2011, 11:48:19 AM
Division V players

When do you guys want to schedule the matches?
Contact me, I'll pass my hotmail/skype (keroskai) if it makes organising things a little easier.
Arena / Hard Drop Open V Tournament!
March 06, 2011, 03:14:53 AM
I'm in.
Though I'll need to collect some achievements. Give me a few hours =O
Tetris / Possible speed caps suggestion?
March 03, 2011, 08:14:13 AM
This is sort of setting would mostly be for the benefit of slower players, though I suppose it could in some ways replicate KoS as well.
Tetris / Possible speed caps suggestion?
March 03, 2011, 02:21:19 AM
Quote from: EnFuego
Thread has been made already;hl=speed+limit

goto for turn based tetris

Yeah, unfortunately KoS isn't really what I'm after.
Though it's nice to see that others like this sort of thing.

I do like vipjun's suggestion of line clear delay to slow down things between all players. But the ARE thing where things are instant lock down after hard drop does produce a weird sort of feeling.

The thing with slowed down tetris against friends... It's not really accurate of slowed down speed. Here's an example...

You can play with less than 1.5 PPS, but sometimes when you are near death, suddenly you start placing 5 pieces within the time frame that might for example exceed over 3PPS saving you. But because overall, you haven't placed that many pieces, the PPS won't really register this sort of thing.

It reminds me of a discussion earlier, about tetris flow. Playing tetris at lower speeds can't really detect constant flow imo since people just do burst sprints and all that.