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Messages - miasme

Introductions / Hies from YATP
June 29, 2010, 11:42:43 PM
I'm gonna be away for the summer
so I won't be very active in the forum
Introductions / Hies from YATP
June 23, 2010, 02:06:23 AM
I'm not Japanese, just speak the language a bit.
Hi there, I hadn't been playing TetrisOnline for a while, so when I started it, it went through an update, and since it won't launch...

It goes through the update process and then says PatchClient.exe has crashed.
The same happends if I try with the launcher in this thread.

Here's a screenshot:

I tried: re-installing, removing every other program including antivirus, beating the computer.

If that matters, i'm on a French version of Windows 7 64bits
Introductions / Hies from YATP
June 22, 2010, 12:40:12 AM
Hi there,
I've started playing Tetris on the first, huge, grey Game Boy and never really stopped since
Lately i've been playing on DS and
I'm not strong but as long as it's fun, i'm in

I know a bit of Japanese and I'll try to help whenever i can
