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Messages - JOmega

Strategy/Help / Easy 250 and 175 Rubies
April 18, 2010, 08:44:48 PM
Quote from: Blink
Your pweases won't work with me woman!  lol, just kidding - Sorry Silver, I can't because I'm planning to refill it in the future.  To be honest though, If I knew it was this easy to cancel beforehand I would have just put my regular credit card in.  It's really no hassle and it's Yahoo, not some shady company.

yep! I used my regular card and cancellation was easy! It hasn't been a week so I can't tell if they charged me but I'm fairly sure they won't... I'll let you know 04/25 if they have if you are nervous about using your card!
Strategy/Help / Easy 250 and 175 Rubies
April 18, 2010, 08:13:24 AM
Just wanted to say thanks! It worked overnight (within about 8 hours of sleep)!!

I just finished canceling thanks to your easy link! Yay for free rubies!!!!!!!!  Thank you!  
Strategy/Help / Easy 250 and 175 Rubies
April 17, 2010, 11:02:48 PM
I was curious as to if this was legit... good to hear it worked for you! I just signed up; I hope it works!
Tetris / TOJ English Patch!
April 04, 2010, 12:25:58 AM
Hey guys! Thanks for the awesome patch, I can finally play without being frustrated by all the japanese!

I have one problem though--when I join a game, it never starts! The only way I can play against people is if I make my own game!

Has anyone had this problem?!

I left it open for about 20 minutes, but the game never started! I think the other people were playing, but I'm not sure... There is no "ready" button to press, so I don't get why they never start! I have tried for like 3 hours and in 10 different rooms, but I have to make my own if I want to play