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Messages - blazen_azn

Arena / Tetris Tournament Online IV- Match Reports
August 20, 2016, 10:33:06 PM
Quote from: aitsu_k
aitsu_k 15-3 chrisw


(i forgot SS .......)

Arena / Tetris Tournament Online IV- Match Reports
August 06, 2016, 05:54:51 PM
chrisw 10 - GenesisChan 0

We played it earlier than scheduled. ggs!
Strategy/Help / best center 4 wide defense
November 13, 2013, 11:17:55 PM
Quote from: Integration
Since chris4wide is again in the  top 16 of TTO

Is it a general consensus that I wouldn't be in the top 16 without 4widing my way in?

I personally think its a mental block that a lot of people struggle with. If you guys want to experiment and whatnot, I'd be more than happy to 4w you. Also, are there other people 4widing out there, I'd love to try and counter them.

It's also safe to say an md for a 4wider completely ruins their combo, and is not really recoverable in a reasonable manner. It goes both ways. Someone like SJ and Microblizz are freestyle tspinners. The only reason they're misdropping is because 4w and tournament settings put them out of their element.

The community itself doesn't have many 4widers because the majority of you guys show general disgust towards them. It's not a surprise I don't hang around here that often anymore. I was 4w free for about a year, and the same attitude was shown towards me, so I reverted back to doing it in tournament settings and for kicks in 6p rooms on tf. I would beat people without a 4w, and still get crap for four widing in the past. Take a step back and see how messed up that is.

No one really is used  to the pressure that 4w puts on them, simply because you guys did a wonderful job of killing them all off. It also isn't just so "EZ AND OP" to 4w. Not many people are able to pull it off. It isn't the most skillful thing, but it isn't a mindless win. Maybe I made it look too easy vs Microblizz (I just happened to be 4widing better than I had ever done before), but actually watch my games with SJ--I messed it up more than I actually succeeded, and he punished me a good number of times. Before you try and counter it, actually try it out to see where it fails and how it fails.

A decent amount of you guys shouldn't worry about this, just work on your fundamentals and downstacking.

I get the feeling that this comment has potential for starting a lovely circlejerk. I'll check in occasionally.
Arena / Tetris Tournament Online III Match Reports
October 27, 2013, 07:29:19 PM
15 chrisw > shloutage 3 (it might have been two...)
Quote from: aitsu_k
aitsu_k 15-1 chrisw
ggs sir!
chrisw 15-13 microblizz   ggs!
streamed by pc and adamparkzer(?)
chrisw (me) 15 - 1 onewingedangel
blink, feel free to read my pms with stewart. I feel like i deserve the win

if not, its okay
can't make my time on saturday, time zones put it in an awkward time
stewart hasn't responded to friend request, cant pm him
Arena / (Tournament) Team 3x3
August 08, 2012, 11:17:22 AM
Quote from: virulent
ah chris you do realize that means you're only open to ONE position right? allspin & top :s
we're looking for a bb player :i

Oh I didn't read all too carefully.  I'll play type d then
Arena / (Tournament) Team 3x3
August 06, 2012, 10:20:20 PM
Quote from: virulent
chris what modes were you interested in playing?
i wanna play but not sure who to find T.T;

anything really, but if you make me play bb mode i think i'll cry
Arena / (Tournament) Team 3x3
August 06, 2012, 08:02:38 PM
i'll play
Arena / Unreliable Tournament Players List
October 17, 2011, 10:03:02 PM
Paradox, you makes it seem like i didnt contact you at all. you mentioned nothing of tetris when we talked for 20 minutes on sc2. You only asked about a couple build orders, and i gave a couple vague ones. gl with the rest of the tourney.