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Messages - hawsdog

Tetris / Cell Phone Tetris
January 13, 2010, 05:09:40 PM
Quote from: Locolama
New Highscore....

EA Mobile Tetris
Marathon (150 starting level)

...Anybody looking for team recruits?

I think we are playing the same game.  I play on the Blackberry Storm and just achieved a perfect score plus some drop points.  Love this game.  

Tetris / "Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations
January 13, 2010, 04:57:56 PM
After years away from Tetris, I have the bug again.  Anyways, today I played a perfect game on the Marathon Mode of EA Tetris Mobile on the Blackberry Storm.  That is, level 15, starting with making a single line and then getting all tetrises to maximize the possible score by getting 153 lines (679,534 points).  I also got some drop points early on so that I now believe this is the highest score I've seen anywhere.  There is a posted high schore of 850,000 or so on this site, but I really don't think that is possible on the version of the game that I have.  

Anyways, after a month or so of trying, I am happy to have achieved the perfect plus score!