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Strategy/Help / Music and Speed
November 13, 2009, 05:53:46 PM
I wasn't really thinking about other games, it was just the fastest non-classical song I knew. I myself am a big fan of classical music but I figured you guys... not so much.

If you really have an issue with it, the first 1:20 or so of
is just about the most consistently fast song I know.
But it's quite a bit more structured than the dragonforce, so it loses something in that aspect.
Probably less misdrops though.
Strategy/Help / Music and Speed
November 13, 2009, 02:31:27 PM
Hello all,

I've recently noticed that quite a few people have certain songs that they like to listen to that make them play faster, and some people even go so far as to create entire 'Tetris playlists'. I think that it's a very interesting idea idea. However, I have been astonished that while some people go for the (what I would consider to be more logical) high bpm songs, others swear by the slower, more relaxing ones.

I've been experimenting with the concept a bit myself, but I'd like to see how (if even) it affects other people. So, here I am.

For anybody that wants to help me out, all you really need to go is play 9 or so games of 40 lines.

First, play 3 games of 40 lines without any music at all,
Then 3 games to,
Then another 3 to

I'm going to ask that anybody doing this try to do it in one sitting.
Also, please don't to look at other people's results before you play, as I want to avoid the placebo effect as much as possible, but it's alright if you do, just be sure to mention it.
If anybody has a way of masking the data (spoiler boxes or something to that effect) please mention it.

Now, as far as data posting, post all of the times, the site you played on, your personal best (all time), and mention if one of the songs made you misdrop more or anything else like that that you may deem relevant.

Thanks in advance for all your help