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Messages - Jonas

Introductions / My Name Is Jonas
April 19, 2013, 10:03:40 AM
High five to OP you magnificent bastard.  

I have been on an NES Tetris hiatus since my old ass TV broke.  My eyes are not broken, despite the pics.  They just operate as independent contractors for my brain.

Hope you are well Blink, it was a pleasure watching you in action in 2011.  Can't believe it's been a couple years.

Jonas "JONAS" Neubauer, true owner of the eyes of Jonas.
Tetris / What do you listen to while playing Tetris?
October 21, 2009, 07:08:49 PM
I created a Prefuse 73 channel on Pandora that I'm addicted to when playing.

I also like Goldfrapp's Utopia as a specific song when I play and need to concentrate.