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Messages - Yokipi

Tetris / Let me know if you wanna try this too
September 04, 2013, 12:59:00 AM
Any chance there's a working link to this mod available? The MF link is down.
I realize it's part of Blitz's pack, but I'd rather just the standalone mod, if possible.
Maii04 15
Yokipi 1

Utter defeat.
Tetris / Tetris Sport - summary of 3 first years
June 08, 2012, 01:01:35 PM
An ambitious enough topic that I felt compelled even as a long-time lurker to contribute.

First, being familiar enough with the Starcraft scene from day one, and as most other people on this thread have already stated, I think nationally-recognized professional Tetris at this point is a pipedream. It's not just that it makes a difficult spectator sport. At the moment, it is simply too small.

But this has been something that has always confused me about it. Not many (outside this community) fawn over Tetris, unlike RTS or FPS games, but yet it has an addicting universal appeal to almost everyone. I like to view this as potential for growth.

Judging by this thread, the opinion is unanimous though. Above all else, we simply need more tournaments and competitions. To break down this isolated step even further, the things we need for a tournament are:

1) A game
2) Players
3) A fanbase
4) A social hub

Starting with #1, unsurprisingly enough, the sheer diversity of Tetris games hinders its competitive development. Tournaments can't be held across multiple platforms, and the barrier of having to learn a new medium discourages any amateurs from participating, resulting in Tetris tournaments generally seeing the same faces repeatedly, existing only at the pro level, and being unwelcoming to newcomers. This is probably the largest problem, and one that games such as Starcraft II handled very well: The difference between casual and competitive is enormous.

In the case of Tetris, this naturally leads to a lack of #3. Casual players are simply not encouraged to spend the time practicing and mastering finesse, watching professional matches to pick up on strategy, and memorizing heaps of T-spin patterns to improve their skill. They would rather stay casual. For one, the practice:growth curve is too steep for most.

In #4 however, the fanbase has been making good headway recently, especially with fansites like HardDrop showing potential, should they be advertised correctly. I think that if we want public recognition, that's what it'll have to come down to, advertising, through way of regular, large tournaments. The more public attention the better, but first of all, we just need more tournaments at all skill levels, pro, amateur, novice... As a related example, the US competitive puzzling/sudoku base has grown enormously this past year thanks to monthly puzzle competitions held by an unaffiliated site. It gives people an inlet into the community, by building up their thirst for Tetris first.

I haven't probed around Korean fansites much, but I could start looking if need be. We have #2. Tetris possibly has more of #2 than any other game. We just need to entice everyone with candy and shiny prizes, and bring out the burning sense of competitiveness in the horde of people we have at our disposal. I really think it can be done.

Strategy/Help / The "Help Me!" Thread
October 22, 2009, 02:18:02 AM
Quote from: Yokipi
Finally managed to break 70 seconds yesterday on Tetris Friends, so I'm very happy about that. =) Still, my goal is sub-60, but I'm not sure what I need to improve and practice to break that seemingly impossible barrier.

I'm also very inconsistent at that speed, managing to clear 40 Lines successfully only about 5% of the time and usually getting around 1:15 when I do succeed. Any tips, advice, or notes about what I'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

I'm still looking for help on this one. I haven't been able to break 70 seconds again, getting anywhere from 1:11 to 1:32. Could anyone tell me what I need to improve on?
Strategy/Help / The "Help Me!" Thread
October 18, 2009, 11:32:19 PM
Finally managed to break 70 seconds yesterday on Tetris Friends, so I'm very happy about that. =) Still, my goal is sub-60, but I'm not sure what I need to improve and practice to break that seemingly impossible barrier.

I'm also very inconsistent at that speed, managing to clear 40 Lines successfully only about 5% of the time and usually getting around 1:15 when I do succeed. Any tips, advice, or notes about what I'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated, thanks!