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Messages - DTM_Derrick

Tetris / Tetris Friends Missions & Badges Info
May 12, 2011, 10:08:16 AM
Quote from: Ravendarksky
I think you might be overthinking it.

Leave two holes in the line below where you are clearing so you can drop a piece into one of them if necessary.

I try and make set shapes. O for 2 L or J for 3 and I for four

Its easier if you stack in the middle I find.

Make sure on the 4 you commit to a sensible hole for your I piece. No gap underneath and with sides you can build with your next few pieces.
If you screw up a 3, make sure you don't fill in the fourth line entirely so you can clear with an I piece.

Hope this helps. I can make a video of me clearing it if you REALLY need it, but I don't have time tonight.
I got it xD now im at 86 personal missions complete all of them for now and 51 personal missions 5 left
Tetris / Tetris Friends Missions & Badges Info
May 09, 2011, 08:17:17 PM
Quote from: EnFuego
Yeah to each their own. Are they still making more badges?
About hotlines, is that one you need to clear the whole line to unlock? Could you describe it a little better?
Yes They make missions every week i believe also , and hotlines starts get a single double triple and tetris on the bottom 4 lines , thats 10 lines the 2nd part is the same jus starting at the 5th line , and it continues every 10 lines raising . my technique so far is to do the first 10 lines its really easy but when it raises i make sure each of the bottom four lines has a hole and i try and keep em off each other
Tetris / Tetris Friends Missions & Badges Info
May 08, 2011, 07:07:15 PM
Hey i dont post much but this is the most recent post for this topic
Its about the missions i got 78 personal badges and 50 premium badges , so what if they are pointless i jus like
finishin stuff to the end and doing em but i came across one that is challenging me , its called Hotlines ,its a premium mission outside the grid 5th one up i believe ,if someone can look into it and maybe make a vid of tactics to do it well or easier ive got to the final tetris a few times and screw up .
Strategy/Help / A Guide on Openings
October 15, 2010, 11:28:18 AM
I Like This Post i agree there may need abortability rates , and on tf battle 2p or 6p the garbage isn't counter-able , um jus sayin pc's can't be reused again'st u as well as quick tsd opens
Tetris / Blink, you've been beaten.
October 23, 2009, 03:12:49 PM
HAHA that too funny what a scrub that kid is .01 hahahah blink may u always be the champ