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Messages - Maleko

Introductions / morning
September 07, 2009, 05:33:58 AM
Quote from: jdapple
hi!  nice life story!  tetris is intimidating!?

Nah, it's a gentleman's game.  
General / [Reflexes] Numbers Game - Best Times
September 06, 2009, 10:29:25 AM
I keep clicking the wrong numbers next to the correct ones!  RAWR!
Introductions / morning
September 06, 2009, 10:12:59 AM
Pardon the life story, but times were tough.  Finding this place just yesterday was a shock to me.  I found a Puyo Pop community, but that was about it.
Introductions / morning
September 06, 2009, 10:06:11 AM
Hey there, this is Maleko.  I'm from Wisconsin and have been puzzle gaming since I was able to hold an NES controller.  I remember in the late 80s/early 90s around Christmas time when the family got together, my aunts and uncles would talk about their lives as my cousins and I dueled each other over a Gamelink cable.  My father's side of the family, however, stuck with the NES and we battled each other in many a game of Dr.Mario.

Life was good until my parents divorced.  I then remained stagnant of my Tetrising for several years, only to be reborn through a game known as Panel de Pon, or Tetris Attack in the US.  The off chances I went to grandmothers I was able to compete with computer players for days, but I itched to duel human players.  

Everyone was uninterested in playing puzzle games with me though, and for "good reason" (Bond and SSB, anyone?).  I panicked and tried to find something that would interested other people.  Puzzle Bobble, Puyo Pop, even Puzzle Fighter didn't strike anyone's fancy.  They became too busy playing Halo and thus my sulking continued.

Tetris DS, a beckon of light in these times of darkness came to my sights.  I stalked the game cases awaiting its arrival.  I remember purchasing it in the morning before I had to go to class (I was in college at the time).  After my first play of Standard mode, I had gotten to level 20 and shown my college pals the credits.  They were stunned to see I had beaten the game I just got in about 30-45 minutes (I forgot, but unbeknowst to them, the infinite rotation made the game too easy).  Now my friends feared me even more.  And played more Halo...

Now here I am.  A place where people like me can take refuge in the glory of my ancestor's game (I'm about a 1/4 Russian    )  A place where people can destroy me in Tetris as I destroyed my friends and family years ago.  I've found a home.  Thank you.