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Messages - Ewith

Tetris / How much do you plan in advance?
September 03, 2009, 12:05:50 PM
I've always wondered how far in advance people take the tetriminos into consideration, when they're playing fast, e.g. in a sprint game. I always have the first 'next piece' in mind as well as the hold-piece. If I'm concentrating I can also take the second tetrimino in line into consideration, but any more than that I start having trouble mantaining focus on the stacking. I was wondering if players more skilled than me take more tetriminos into consideation, and if so, if there's a good way to train it?
Introductions / New around :-)
September 03, 2009, 11:47:35 AM
Yeah, I did the mistake of searching for "tetris forums". Even worse, I'm pretty sure I searched for "TetrisZone forums", TetrisZone being the distribution I was playing. So I guess it's also my fault. Anyways, thanks for the welcome! :-)

Quote from: hienwa
Hi Ewirth,

One disadvantage we have is that our domain doesn't contain Tetris in it. Still I think if you searched "Tetris community" in google, we're like the 2nd result. We will try to optimize the site for certain keywords but when the site is older we will have more results anyways.
Introductions / New around :-)
September 03, 2009, 04:40:35 AM

My name's Enrico With, I'm 22 years old currently residing in Copenhagen, Denmark, and soon finnishing my bachelor in philophy and business economics at the Copenhagen Business School. Apart from that I work with media survaillance. I've been playing TetrisZone (mac) for a while. I've been looking for an online tetris community for a long time, tried google-searches etc. without succes. You better optimize this site for it   !

I found this forum through, which I found by chance today. I've played about ten games there, but the level seems to be a little low. Is there any similar site/program where I can compete with more skilled people? I haven't played much the last few months and my level is currently a lot lower than usual, but I hope to return to earlier skill levels soon...