Tetris Tournament Online III Match Reports

Started by dhuang413, October 06, 2013, 09:30:52 PM

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Final Tournament Standings
1. hebo_MAI
2. HAHAHA1744
3. mattyabar
4. ajanba
5. MicroBlizz
6. HD_Blink
7. qmk
8. Johnny147
9. WendyLoL
9. chrisw
9. whipemerald
9. kennyboy2
13. kohakuseki
13. iketti
13. SirJeivus
13. HR_larry

Chinese Translation
Japanese Translation - completed by bluesphere

5 continents.
36 countries.
181 players.

After the dust settles, only one shall remain standing.

Let the games begin!

Please read everything before asking questions! If HardDrop goes down, please check and follow our twitter @harddrop and the facebook page for updates!
Text in bold-underline are links to guides.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Introduction Thread[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Brackets[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Single Elimination Bracket[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Highlights[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Entrants List[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Schedule[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Predictions Thread[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Custom Tuning Link and Explanation[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Is My Opponent Online? [/div]

1st Place
Asus Nexus 7 Tablet
2nd Place to 5th Place
Portable USB charger
Tetris Coffee Mug
Tetris Jenga
Tetris Bop-it

Participation Prizes
100 rubies for 25 random players that have completed all of their matches

And three Tetris T-Shirts designed by ohitsstef!

Scheduling Matches
Use the bracket and the registration list to find your opponent and his/her TetrisFriends account.
At the beginning of each week, send a message to your opponent stating what times you will be free for that week in PST. The current time in PST can be found here. It is HIGHLY recommended that you log in HardDrop daily to check your inbox.

If you are not planning to play at the assigned time during the weekend and would like your match to be streamed and/or commentated, send me a message.

If neither player can play on the weekdays, there will be an assigned time to play on the weekend.
You are not required to play at exactly that time, but you must complete your match by Sunday 11:59pm PST unless either you or your opponent has an approved, legitimate reason (send me those here) for not being able to show up that week. Be aware that not very many excuses will be accepted. By signing up, you have made a commitment to playing your matches.

If your match is not completed by 11:59pm PST on Saturday without an excused absence, the following procedure will be used to determine the match winner.
A player is automatically disqualified if he/she
1. Has not signed into HardDrop for three days AND/OR
2. Has not responded to his/her opponent's messages regarding scheduling the match

Please note that both players could be disqualified if neither player makes an effort to schedule the match.

If neither of the two conditions is satisfied, a screenshot of the chat dialogue must be sent to me via pm by Monday night 11:59pm PST. The tournament administrators will reach a verdict the following day. [/spoiler]

Match Settings
Matches will be played in Arena on Tetris Friends under the following room settings: non-ranked, Expert Plus, no items, no maps.

Matches are first to 15 wins, win by 2.
[spoiler]In other words, to win a match, you must have at least fifteen game wins AND a two game lead on your opponent. If the score reaches 15 wins without a 2 win lead (e.g. 15 vs 14), the match continues until one player achieves the 2 win lead, upon which that player will win the match.[/spoiler]

Reporting Results
Take a screenshot (Mac Users; PC Users) of your match results and attach it in this thread along with your final score (ex. User1 15-13 User 2). If your match was streamed, you may state that instead of posting a screenshot.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/mvrrIK9.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/mvrrIK9.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Sponsored by Blue Planet Software and Tetris Online Inc.


Thanks for posting, I can't wait for my first match... but whenever I click the link for the bracket my computer reboots... any chance I could get a pdf or someone can tell me the time and opponent for my first match? My TF name is DrOctagonopus. Thanks!!


Quote from: DrOctagonopus
Thanks for posting, I can't wait for my first match... but whenever I click the link for the bracket my computer reboots... any chance I could get a pdf or someone can tell me the time and opponent for my first match? My TF name is DrOctagonopus. Thanks!!

hellooooo DrOcta! According to the bracket, I'm your opponent lol... however, I don't see the time and day for our match yet. I wonder if we are suppose to schedule it ourselves or send a request to someone? hmm


Is the format the same as last year (where the top 16 go into double elimination) or is it just one big single elimination tournament like the bracket suggests?

Edit: if I read correctly I'd already know the answer to my question is yes.
☠ massi4h


Quote from: hackastack
hellooooo DrOcta! According to the bracket, I'm your opponent lol... however, I don't see the time and day for our match yet. I wonder if we are suppose to schedule it ourselves or send a request to someone? hmm

Thanks, I appreciate you telling me! I don't know about scheduling either... I guess we'll just have to wait and see. If we have to schedule it ourselves I'm available every day except Mondays and Tuesdays, I usually get home from school by 2:00PM Pacific Time.


i cant make it
im from malaysia
my place time would be 10:00a.m which means im in school time can change "?


Quote from: shirousabers
i cant make it
im from malaysia
my place time would be 10:00a.m which means im in school time can change "?

I'm sure you can pm the person you're playing and arrange a different time.

And omg :o i'm not one of the people who have to play a match straight away! Success.


For the players who are confused - you can schedule your matches any time or day you want them to be. They just have to be played by Sunday 11:59pm PST. If neither players can come to an agreement for match times, a scheduled match will be arranged.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


messaged my opponent, I'll face him when I can I guess.

This is MacroBlizz


Quote from: ohitsstef
For the players who are confused - you can schedule your matches any time or day you want them to be. They just have to be played by Saturday 11:59pm PST. If neither players can come to an agreement for match times, a scheduled match will be arranged.
Sunday, 11:59 PST.  Half of the matches on dhuang413's schedule are for October 13, which is a Sunday.


Quote from: massi4h
Is the format the same as last year (where the top 16 go into double elimination) or is it just one big single elimination tournament like the bracket suggests?

Yes, it is. Challonge doesn't allow me to make a bracket that has both single and double elimination, so a separate bracket will be used for the playoffs.

Quote from: hackastack
I wonder if we are suppose to schedule it ourselves or send a request to someone? hmm

Quote from: shirousabers
i cant make it
im from malaysia
my place time would be 10:00a.m which means im in school time can change "?

Under "Scheduling Matches in the opening post, it says that you should send your opponent a message stating what times you will be free for that week. You can arrange a time to play your opponent before the designated time. If that's not possible, then you must play at the scheduled time.


vipjun 15 - 5 rissaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
proof via stream - http://www.twitch.tv/harddrop/b/468202173


leungwk01 > Aluriel

Embarrasingly bad loss for me. 15-2



Argentino 15- 1 Dark8Dragon
Argentino wins
ggs ;D