MY 100th POST!

Started by dkorn725, March 10, 2011, 03:33:28 PM

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this is my 100th post i can't beleve how short it's been!
Drew- Sprint-45.11; 2.2616 PPS


ello, wasup?:D


That's what she said.


You are seriously better than Aaron and Edward, put together, at making useless posts that add nothing. Good job.


  I think for every SPAM that is posted, users should lose TWO posts on their post counts.


do u know how many spam posts there r blink would never go asleep again if kept on have to checking!

Drew- Sprint-45.11; 2.2616 PPS


Quote from: dkorn725do u know how many spam posts there r blink would never go asleep again if kept on have to checking!
Yet he picks out the legitimate ones with good points and sound like an educated person wrote them and deletes those posts and warns the authors.


Drew- Sprint-45.11; 2.2616 PPS


Quote from: dkorn725
like wojetek lol!

Wojtek usually deserves it, and there could be a three strikes and your out rule for spammers.

This might be your third strike, dkorn.


Topic closed by 3 moderator votes due to lack of meaningful content.  Make sure that any topics/posts in the future add something to the conversation, and only create threads that you know people would want to discuss.