Tetris Friends Questions

Started by ZZOmega, October 15, 2009, 09:22:46 AM

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Blink, I noticed in your Leaderboard replay for Sprint that your horizontal movement is quite fast. I was wondering if you used default settings or if there is a way to change the speed? Also, are the people ranked above you on Facebook playing legit? They seem too fast to be playing by the rules.


Hi Omega, I used default settings but I tap very quickly so my horizontal speed might be a little bit faster than others in games with slow DAS.  There is currently no way to change DAS speed in TF's singleplayer modes, only the beta tetris live mode.  I haven't looked at the facebook records lately, but it's possible that they are cheaters.  Usually there's a few new cheaters that pop up each day, and it takes the TF staff a few days to remove them from the leaderboard.


I figured that's what it was since I couldn't seem to find it, but holy crap that horizontal speed is impressive! I was also reading in the Help Me thread that 40L in TF is best done with 10 tetrises because of the line clear delay. Thanks for your quick reply, I'll keep working on it!