Nullpomino customization + mod pack

Started by Blitz, August 12, 2013, 10:01:32 AM

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There is a lot of nullpomino mods out there, and most of them are in different posts and downloads making it difficult and time consuming to find and download them all. I also believe some of the dl links has expired by now making some mods unavailable.

Therfore I have combined all useful nullpo modifications out there into one client so that you can get them with one click.

You can download it here:
Nullpomino customization + mod

This is a nullpo 7.5 client with some code from nullpo league and the following modifications:
KEYBOARD NAVIGATION SETTINGS (useful to know these before you customize your own)
Default keyboard navigation settings
arrow keys - move up and down in the menu
enter      - select
esc      - back
Default gameplay controls are same as default tf controls
Enter      - start game
RightShift - cancel game
F11      - goes back to main menu
F12      - exit client
After a game:
Enter to try again
Down arrow key and enter to open report
Down arrow key twice and enter to end


- Dig practise mode:
Same as dig challenge, but with multiplayer like garbage, level lock and anti top out.

- Speed race mode:
The goal is to complete your game with as high speed limit as possible.
If you drop below your speed limit yourl health meter will drop. 0 healt = game over

- Tetrevil mode: Marathon mode with an evil randomizer. Use TETREVIL rule.


- PPM stat (pieces per minute)
- KPT stat (keystrokes per tetromino)
- Fault stat (counts the amount of unnecessary keystrokes)
1L, 2L, 3L, 4L(you can easily track fast perfect clear attempts in 4Line mode), 10L, 20L, 40L 100L, 1000L and 10000L modes. IMPORTANT: toggle fumen recording OFF
if you play 10000L. Or else the client will crash after placing 18000 pieces.

- User option in the main menu:
If you log in using your account your 40 line scores will be submitted
to (note: Make sure you are logged out when you are not playing 40 lines
because all games are submitted when you are logged in so if you are playing anything
else than 40 lines it will mess up the highscores. To log out leave both fields blank
and press ok)

- Reports:
Auto generated reports of a game providing very detailed statistics. Reports are saved
in the report folder and can be opened in any web browser.

- Fumen recording:
If toggled on in the option menu it will generate a fumen of your game and include it
in the report. Toggled off by default. Can be toggled on in the option menu.

- Full frame fumen recording:
Toggled off by default. Can be toggled on in the option menu.
Records your game at 60 frames per second and generates a fumen that can be played back
in a browser at 60 frames per second.(playback may not work in some browsers. but should
work with firefox)
Note: If a fumen recorder passes 18000 frames the client will crash.

- Custom rules:

Modified the name of some rules so their name says something about their soft drop speed.

NOFLASH rules: If you use any of these rules the pieces will not flash when they land.

Combinations: A rule designed to help you practise building these shapes easier

Helpless: Custom rule where the piece is not visible until you place it to make things
a bit harder.

Replay latest replay: This rule puts out the exact same piece sequence that were used
in the last played replay. If you go to options->ai setting and set ai type to REPLAYAI
and set AI SHOW HINT to ON you can use this rule to play the exact same game over and over.

Standard-Zero-I: Only I pieces. Cause why not...

Ospin: This rule allows the O piece to spin, kick and perform crazy "teleports". Cause why not...

- Added more block skins

- Removed the white outline around the blocks.

- Re organised the game mode list so that the most played/interesting modes appears first.

- Changed default keyboard layout to match default tf keyboard layout.

- Set up 2p poochybot controls so it starts in vs battle when player hits enter (default select button).

- Contains some optional graphical modifications found on various posts on harddrop.
NOTE: The graphics has been changed from the default. If you wish to use other graphics you can
find some in the \res\Customgraphics folder.

I'm not a pro coder so what I have done is pieced together code from lots of different mods creating bugs in the process. I have still decided to release this with the bugs because I can tell for sure me or anyone else wont fix them in near future.
Known bugs:
Netplay is broken
No option menu if you pause the game
Replay-latest-replay bug, see this post for details
Menu navigation after a game is somewhat buggy. Press down arrow key once and hit enter if you wish to open the report for that game. Press down arrow key twice and hit enter if you wish to "end".

Belzebub - Created pretty much all the mods that are not mentioned below.
esialb    - Tetrevil mode
Tepples   - custom 8bit tgm sound effects
DIGITAL - termino velocity sound effects(tepples and digitals sound effects are mixed into one pack)
caffeine - caffeinated sound effects
nona    - sound effects tf nona
gif    - block skin
Paradox  - block skins
Polaris    - block skins
Raddakar - block skin
Virulent - custom font
Dimentio - custom font, touhou backgrounds
Blitz    - block skins, background, re organised game mode list, some custom rules, added 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1000L and 10000L modes to linerace, modified linerace ranking to display 40 best times and pieced together all of these mods into one client.

Update log:
Added 1,2,3,4,1000 and 10000lines mode to linerace
The 40 best linerace times are now displayed instead of 10.
Fixed a bug preventing times from being saved to highscores after playing 1,2,3,4,1000 or 10000lines mode.


WTF!!!  This was posted 2 weeks ago and not a single person has commented!?!?  This is an awesome share!  Thanks Blitz!


Credit for the TGM sounds should actually go to Tepples. I just renamed the files for use in Nullpo. The same goes for the Termino Velocity sounds by DIGITAL that I tweaked for Nullpo use, if those are included.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Quote from: Shuey
WTF!!!  This was posted 2 weeks ago and not a single person has commented!?!?  This is an awesome share!  Thanks Blitz!
things are slow those days
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Tetris Online Poland


You implemented O-spin, and Xael doesn't have the first comment? for shame...


Quote from: VladtheImpala
You implemented O-spin, and Xael doesn't have the first comment? for shame...
O-spin has been part of nullpo for ages.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


There was a bug preventing line race times from being saved to the highscores when playing 1,2,3,4,1000 and 10000lines mode. I'm suprised nobody has complained about this yet.
I believe I fixed this problem now so if you are affected by this bug re download the client and it should be gone.

Pro tip: If you dont want to configure your controls after re downloading the client, you can go to \config\setting and copy the file called "slick". Paste that file into the \config\setting in the new client and all your settings should now be there.


how would i go about changing the soft drop speed in the combinations gametype with Belzebub's Mod?


Quote from: braczdd
how would i go about changing the soft drop speed in the combinations gametype with Belzebub's Mod?

There is a file called ruleeditor. Run that and open "StandardZeroSquare.rul" which should be located in "\Nullpomino customization + mod pack\config\rule". In ruleeditor click the "drop" tab and change 20.0 to whatever you want the soft drop speed to be. Save and exit.


Quote from: Blitz
There is a file called ruleeditor. Run that and open "StandardZeroSquare.rul" which should be located in "\Nullpomino customization + mod pack\config\rule". In ruleeditor click the "drop" tab and change 20.0 to whatever you want the soft drop speed to be. Save and exit.

awesome, many thanks


Quote from: Blitz
There is a file called ruleeditor. Run that and open "StandardZeroSquare.rul" which should be located in "\Nullpomino customization + mod pack\config\rule". In ruleeditor click the "drop" tab and change 20.0 to whatever you want the soft drop speed to be. Save and exit.

thought this could be useful, the fumen images for 'combinations' with all images with outlines of block formations one jpeg file (might be good for glancing at).
love the mod pack, cheers




Has anyone been able to get the Replay mod to work? I get the right piece sequence but the hints aren't working - the hint ghost is just in the upper left corner for every piece.


Quote from: pwn_by_numbers
Has anyone been able to get the Replay mod to work? I get the right piece sequence but the hints aren't working - the hint ghost is just in the upper left corner for every piece.
I did some testing and found that:
- ReplaiAI can not understand the replay files generated by this modified client.
- If I copy a replay file that is created by a nullpomino league client to my modified client, ReplayAI will be able to understand that replay and show the correct hint.
- It is possible to use a nullpomino league client to fix a "broken" replay.  
If you got a "broken" replay that you want to fix. Move the replay file to a nullpo league client. In nullpoleague options menu->other-> toggle force re-save-replay ON. Then watch the replay that you imported. When completed, nullpo league will generate a new replay file. Take this new replay file and move it back to the client with the replay-latest-replay mod. Watch that replay. THEN if you play the replay mod the hint should show up in the right place.


Awesome, works perfect. Thanks so much!


I've noticed that when I use Nullpo League to "fix" a replay where hold is used, the resulting replay doesn't use hold, it just changes the piece sequence instead. Is this a bug or a feature?