The Best of 2013

Started by ohitsstef, December 31, 2013, 07:40:57 PM

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Voting has ended. Thank you for the nominations and votes!
Below are the final results ♥

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Winners
Player of the Year – hebo_MAI
Best Achievement - kero's sub 20

Best Tournament – Tetris Tournament Online III
Best Tournament Host - dhuang413

Most Diverse Player – hebo_MAI
Best Offensive Player - hebo_MAI
Best Defensive Player - mattyabar
Most Stylish Player - ajanba
Most Improved Player - ajanba

Best Commentator - Blink
Best Interview - hebo-MAI

Most Unexpected Moment - HAHAHA beating hebo_MAI in TTO III
Best Match in any Tournament - Winner's Bracket Finals of TTO III
Biggest Upset in a Match - SirJeivus 15-3 jixsoo in TTO III

HD Contributor of the Year - dhuang413
Best Team - STARS
Best Tetris Artist - Shuey
Best Foreign Accent - Intendant

Best Avatar - morningpee
Best Troll - Aaron
Most Friendly and Easiest to Talk To - ohitsstef

Best Newcomer Commentator - Intendant
Best Username - Morningpee
Best TF modification - Morningpee
Best Browser Tetris Clone - Tetr.js by Simon
Best Tetris Hack - OneMinTetris
Best Tetris AI - Misakamm
Best App - Quantro

Best HD moment -
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
when bluesphere asked hebo_MAI if Blink used to hit on him when everyone thought hebo was a girl.. and hebo replies, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YES!!!"[/quote]

Best SB quote -
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]hebo_MAI: firetstar show me how to get banned[/quote]

[Best Video of 2013[/b]-

Least Likely to Quit League of Legends - Destiny Most Psychic - VienVong
Most Cultured Hot Dog Connoisseur - Intendant
Sickest Burn -

Congratulations to the winners![/div]

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Best Username: morningpee
Best Tetris Friends Mod: morningpee
Best Foreign Accent and Most Cultured Hot Dog Connoisseur: intendant
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]

Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


Player of the Year - hebo
Most improved player - profane
Best avatar - me obviously
Best tournament host - dhuang
etc etc - me


Best Troll - shizi
Best Tournament - TTO3 !!!
Best Username - morningpee
Most Improved - shahil
Best Host - dhuang413

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Most improved player - FelipeMayrink


i have improve the most  my sprint was 1:30 now is 32


Quote from: Extruderx
Most improved player - FelipeMayrink
I'm so honored is not even funny. I might have squeaked like a little girl.

Greatest Achievement In Tetris History That Actually Got The Attention That It Deserved: kero's sub 20
Best Browser Tetris Clone Ever Created: Tetr.js, by simonlc
Biggest Lost Of The Year That Nobody Even Noticed: The Sloth Thread


Quote from: pizzapizza
I was being serious

Best Tetris Artist - Blitz
Best Interview - Aaron
Most Diverse Player - Apm10 (has improved in TF, C2, TOP, Nullpo)
Least Likely To Quit LoL - (tbd)
Most Unexpected Moment - HAHAHA beating Hebo-MAI in semi-finals of TTO


Player of the Year: hebo - for tournaments on various platforms
Tournament host of the Year - VIP + misc for c2 weeklies!
Achievement/Moment of the Year - split decision; kero for sub20 and JT for 14 combo


Best Harddrop moment - when bluesphere asked hebo_MAI if Blink used to hit on him when everyone thought hebo was a girl.. and hebo replies, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YES!!!"

Best Video

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Nomination ideas -
Player of the Year- No Idea.
Most improved player- MuchoExito
Best avatar- Aaron
Best tournament host - Aaron
Best Tetris Friends mod - ?
Best Foreign Accent and Most Cultured Hot Dog Connoisseur- Intendant (obviously)
Best Troll- NO
Best Tournament- The Mega Mega Tournament of Madness!
Best Tetris Artist- Blitz
Best Interview- Sir Jeivus
Most Diverse Player- Destiny
Least Likely To Quit LoL- Probably myself despite everything ;p
Most Unexpected Moment- Mucho beating Blitz in my tourney
Achievement/Moment of the Year- Keros sub 20 (obviously)
Best Harddrop moment- All of PizzaPizzas and Aarons interactions
Best Shoutbox quote- Not sure


Best Tetris Hack: OneMinTetris


most improved tetrisfriends player= pizzapizza


Quote from: pizzapizza
most improved tetrisfriends player= pizzapizza

Nah, now for me to be arrogant

It's me!

-went from 2 das to max
-sprint 1.03.xx to 55.48
-lpm 34.xx to 37.79
-learned left rotate
- better downstacker
-learned different spins

Hmmm what else

Ok now for me to be humble

Most improved player: ajanba
Tetris Friends: FireTstar_ (on most)

NullpoMino, Tetris Online Poland, and Cultris II: Inferno (on sometimes)

Short Term Goals: Sub 35, piece preview

Long Term Goals: Sub 30, APM and LPM 50+, learn perfect clears, master T-Spins, 0 finesse errors (consistentl



Most diverse player- Blinky
Best tetris moment-kero sub 20 and jt's 14 combo
Best foreign accent- Barney c:
Player of the year- Hebo
Most improved- Pizza
Most friendly and easy to talk to-Kata
Least likely to quit LoL- Meeeeeeeeee