Challenge: Purely Tetris

Started by Phthalocyaniine, January 03, 2013, 12:33:14 PM

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Everyone should try this challenge at least once.
It's not difficult to understand but isn't easy either.
And it applies to all skill levels.

- -- -- * -- -- -- -- -

Doing tetris line clears only,
do as many of them as you can until
you do a line clear that is not a tetris.

- No hold
- No deep drops
- No starting maps
- No soft dropping to patch holes and do spins
- No instant dropping to patch holes and do spins
- No waiting for pieces to drop > patch holes > do spins
- Matrix must be at least 3 columns wide. As high or as low as you like.
- Use any game and any mode.
(For intents of silliness try a challenge doing it against
TOP AI in training mode. Don't top out and don't let AI top out. :/)

- (!!) Bonus challenge: Memory-less / Random bag
/Strange bags / Non-standard bags / Sisu bag.

Post proof and tetris count here. GO!

- -- -- * -- -- -- -- -
Name - # of Tetris

Integration - 250
Caffeine - 120
Integration - 100
Jujube - 91
Paul676 - 64
(Vpjun - 32)
(Myndzi - ...56?)
(FilipeMayrink - 32)
Paul676 - 30
Benmullen - 29
(MarioThePhenom - 28)
(StS - 26)
(Riisssaaa - 26)
Paradox - 23
Xael - 6


28 tetrises, proof will come when i hit a higher number

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


29 is the best i have that i know of... it happened to be memoryless too i think (if i understand SNES correctly)

I guess all i did was "soft drop" though, lol... but i think you mean something else by that in this context.


Quote from: benmullen29 is the best i have that i know of... it happened to be memoryless too i think (if i understand SNES correctly)

Ohhh~ That vid is cute.  
And theres no harddrop either... The patience...


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
oh lawd

Good luck Xaaeeell~  


Just got 32. This is actually a pretty fun challenge.


So doesn't that mean that I can wait for the tetrimino to come down to fix a hole I made? :O That's not softdropping! LOOPHOLES ^-^
ポã,±ãƒŸãƒŽã§ã™~ ^u^

but i'm not japanese lol


I don't try to get back to back Tetrises, when I play Multris or GameBoy Tetris (of course I am referring to the 1989 version). It's more important to play safe (skimming some lines) there. So my longest line of consecutive Tetrises should'nt be more than 15 in those games. Gameboy's randomizer  isn't 100 % memoryless but it is nearly as mean.

There is a challenge in Cultris 2 to do as many Tetrises as possible within 200 lines.

OMG I am so pro. And so lightning fast. If the game hadn't ended after 50 Tetrises, I would have done hundreds thousands hundred thousand millions of further Tetrises.

Quote from: benmullen
29 is the best i have that i know of... it happened to be memoryless too i think (if i understand SNES correctly)
I see you are going for the SNES world record. Good luck, Ben! 29 Tetrises is really neat, a bigger accomplishment than successful passing James Clewett's challenge because of meaner randomizer and no twists.

It isn't memoryless though. In SNES chance for next piece being from the same kind as current should be 3.57 % (=1/28). If it is purely random, it's 14.28 % (=1/7), thus 4 times as big.


               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
Those can be with hold and softdrops. THis challenge is a bit harder version of that.


Quote from: Paul676
i was thinking that, but he has included no softdrop oior hold, making it different from the leaderbords
EDIT: didnt notice mayrink had answered, so ill just edit this into a video reply soon
or you could just delete this post, your call mods

^to make this post less meaningless, and its ten tetrises in a row, ill have my 28 tetris one up  later at night

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676

The others are right about this challenge being different from the leader boards.
There are no twists and holds and soft drops.

The challenge isn't for setting towering records though, it's a suggestion for people
to try something new in tetris, have fun and continually challenge themselves.

Its no fun to try and beat a 200+ record, ne? ^^

(Phthalocyaniine is female btw)


Quote from: Phthalocyaniine
(Phthalocyaniine is female btw)
This guy.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.