Cultris country-based team tournament

Started by t0x, July 29, 2012, 06:59:20 AM

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please post everything there, every registered cultris player can also post in the forum there : )



Only 2 days left for registration. So hurry up, if you want to join (addressed to people eliminated from TTO2).


ok guys, i got bad (not for everyone) news..

i m gonna delay the tournament till the TTO2 has ended.

I really hope that this will lead to more teams.

the registered teams will still be registered, and the registration will still be opened.

as i dont wanna make a huge effort for 10 teams only, i will ONLY make a tournament if we get AT LEAST 15-20 teams.

the arrangement of the teams will be done afterwards, first i need to know how many we got there, and where they come from etc..

you may also register your teams in this thread here, not only in the c2 thread.. just saying.


What's wrong with 1 group for Europe and 1 for America+Asia+Australia, followed by intercontinental semi-finals? Let's say, 2 teams (at least 1 from America+Asia+Australia) would join the next few days. Then there would be 30 entrants. Doesn't sound that bad in my opinion. You see, how many people Myndzi got together? Cultris Spring Tournament had 52 entrants. I don't expect much more entrants this time. Some people might have problems finding a team or prefer playing 1vs1. And how many people joined in Spring Tournament because of HardDrop? Not many. And half of them only, because they didn't know, what they would expect.

So I wouldn't wait until the end of TTO2. Perhaps one or 2 weeks. Then the Top 16 are known. Afterwards there'll be double elimination. That are 8 further matches to play, when you lose in the first round, but reach the finals. That means, TTO2 will end in 9 weeks at the earliest. The decisive question should be: Would waiting so long make things better? Blink said, that he planned to take a break from Tetris after TTO2, so don't expect him to be a driving force behind more teams. And the only joining Top 16 player is SirJeivus. Perhaps hebo_MAI would join, but that's it. So the only advantages, that I see, are:
  • more HD streaming (though Belzebub is making a NullpoMino mod, so who knows, there will be no other tourney around?)
  • more C2 gaming activity (as there was last year from November onwards)


i know a couple of other players that are still in tto2 that said they wouldn't play in another tourney until it was done..

i'm also not quite sure what you were trying to communicate in your first paragraph O.o?
at first it looks like '1 for america+asia+australia' is 1 team w/ 1 member from each country which i believe t0x was trying to avoid due to time zone scheduling issues. but you might've meant 1 team from each country which plus 1 team from europe which would equal at least 4 teams aka 12 players but still considered 4 another 2 teams from each of the 'a' countries which would make the 30 you were talking about..but it would be considered 10 entries..not sure why myndzi's tourney was brought up here..if there are problems finding a team it was mentioned somewhere to post on the c2 for the people who prefer 1on1..there are also those who prefer teams

i don't think delaying the tourney will reduce the number of entrants and if postponing it until tto2 is over could produce more teams, i'd just rush~

as for hd streaming/belzebub's mod, i don't think getting streaming time will be much of a problem as there haven't been too many conflicts in the past while multiple tourneys occurred
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I just wanted to say, that t0x might have too big expectations. I would have expected 2 further teams from Australia and Japan, but not much more. The comparison to Spring Tourney and Myndzi was supposed to illustrate this.

When I wrote the text, there were 5 (currently 7) teams from Europe and 3 from America. So a pure group for America would have made sense, only if another team from America would have joined. Teams from Asia & Australia would have had to join the American group, too (despite the big time difference), because there is no other way for 2 groups. And 10 teams is too less for 4 groups.


Jes is taking over. Click me.
  • You have to sign your old team back up, if you were in the old tourney and still want to participate.
  • There'll be 1 week for registration (until November 1st). However, if there's less than 10 teams at that time, you'll have another week (November 8th).
  • The battle format will still be 3 vs. 3. But teams can consist of up to 5 players (up to 2 substitutes).


Quote from: Integration
Jes is taking over. Click me.
  • You have to sign your old team back up, if you were in the old tourney and still want to participate.
  • There'll be 1 week for registration (until November 1st). However, if there's less than 10 teams at that time, you'll have another week (November 8th).
  • The battle format will still be 3 vs. 3. But teams can consist of up to 5 players (up to 2 substitutes).
so i have to join a team if i want to participate? or make one, right

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


n it would have to be from the same country/surrounding countries at worst. originally it was because of time zones but jes might've made it more strict/by country only
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hMmMm integration who are you on c2? :s
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Woohoo. Finally, my trolly statements have caught the eye of a moderator.  

I am mISStAKE there. I thought, that would be obvious because of the equal avatar.


Ah Integration = Misstake!  

So i finally have a computer again that will play Cultris and am totally getting into upcoming tournaments on the title  

I still suck as i think of it but I'm making progress.  This game will be my first and primary movement into modern tetris.  Its nice for me becasue it shares so much in common with classic tetris that it suits the way ive already programmed myself to play quite well.  Now i just need speed, MUCH more speed. And fewer misdrops.

Tintegration, i also notice you are one of the 7 peeps with 50 tetris' in that one mode, thats something i want in the near future as well.  I have gotten a good deal better in just a few days on sprint too, from 1:03 in the past to 50.10

I think Cultris may be my new obssesion.


Tintegration? LOL.

Good to hear, that you try out Cultris. Or bad to hear? There's so much time, that you can waste with it (multiplayer, offline/ online challenges, bot matches). Nice progress btw. When you make such a big jump, then there's still a lot of space for improvement.

One thing is playing fast without misdrops, another thing is stacking. Here's an interesting discussion. And here's the combo table (combos become more powerful as longer rounds last). Cultris' mechanics contradict, what you've learned from playing Marathon. Singles are good, Tetrises are bad. Exception is, when you start a large combo. Probably, you have to learn downstacking (clearing garbage lines), too. Try avoid stacking over garbage holes.

James Clewett's mode also contradicts a bit the experience of a Marathon player. Skimming to play safe isn't allowed there. You just have to hope, that the stick pieces come in time. Kicks are also helpful there. When a rotation fails, the spots to the left, right and down are also checked (checking order: left, right, down, left & down, right & down, 2 x left, 2 x right). When you succeed (50 Tetrises), you'll probably have no problems to beat my time.