Tetris Online has finally listened

Started by Wojtek, January 04, 2011, 06:01:06 PM

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lol of people complained multiplayer on tetris battle being fake, their forums are full of topics like this:
and there are literally dozens of those topics.

how can it be real if you can pause for any long you want while your opponent will patiently wait for you?
it's really funny how support guy tries to explain that without revealing how game really work.

but they don't want people to feel deceived, so they finally decided to do something about it... they added 30 seconds pause limit. thank you, tetris online.
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


lol if you unpause and pause again, you get another 30 seconds!  


"oh......and btw......please go fu@#$$%ck yourself on "real" players named "anonymous" just got sent 2 groups of 16 lines in less than 10 seconds......please again....tell your bullshit to someone else.....thank you"

dang, i'm so pro
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Tetris Ernest:

Its simple, when you pause the game, the other player just takes a break. We are simply working around your busy schedules. Of course its real time. We limited your break time to 30 seconds now, so use it wisely! If you need a longer break just unpause, then pause again.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


The thing about async gameplay is that it's really easy to fake harder/easier opponents... Just speed up the replay.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Rofl, I remember the days when I played Facebook battle

It was funny, same replay every time, some Raphael guy.

I remember posting about Arena on one of their threads, lol.


aaron, this is a different facebook app. you were playing the beta to this beta. >.<

and speeding it up doesnt work since there is only 2 mins of replay. herp derp. but a ton of people use cheat engine to get really fast st stacking.

I remember a quote from the forums of this app from tetris ernest saying something like "the app is still in beta. more features will be added..... will this be like Arena or better? stay tuned" or something to those lines. I wouldnt mind if they made it live. more players, so some might actually get good :3 (ps, this app is where I started playing tetris.)


Quote from: Paradox
Tetris Ernest:

Its simple, when you pause the game, the other player just takes a break. We are simply working around your busy schedules. Of course its real time. We limited your break time to 30 seconds now, so use it wisely! If you need a longer break just unpause, then pause again.

why does he want to lie to people, 'wtheck'


Quote from: Paradox
Tetris Ernest:

Its simple, when you pause the game, the other player just takes a break. We are simply working around your busy schedules. Of course its real time. We limited your break time to 30 seconds now, so use it wisely! If you need a longer break just unpause, then pause again.

lolllll stupidity at its peak :x *slaps ernest*
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]


Can't say I'm surprised why he'd want to keep this a secret. While it should be obvious, knowledge that your opponents aren't really there just removes the fun aspect from playing Facebook Tetris.

Oh well, at least they have the option to play against your friends when they are online.


Quote from: Paradox
Tetris Ernest:

Its simple, when you pause the game, the other player just takes a break. We are simply working around your busy schedules. Of course its real time. We limited your break time to 30 seconds now, so use it wisely! If you need a longer break just unpause, then pause again.


I literally heard the Shepard's tone running through my head while reading this.



Hi Guys,

First post here.

Our CS might have replied with limit knowledge so we apologize for the confusion. But just to clear up things...

Pause timer was added so that we can add pause to realtime multiplayer games as well. (It's tricky and requires a lot of testing however)
Our goal is to make both experiences seemless.

Live or not-live we're trying to make the game play exactly the same.

There is actually no reason why live games can not have pause (starcraft has this) .. but just more work I guess.

Oh and just one more,
actually the goal of Tetris Battle was to try to pull off a commercial success of live interactive multiplayer in facebook for the first time.

It's a sad thing, but in facebook most games are just single player, with little that you can interact directly with your friends in a more intimate way.

Live Multiplayer however requires a critical mass.
You will not be able to find a person at your same level, who has a decent ping time until a certain mass is reached. So even though we had the technology it was hard for us to pull it off commercially because of that.

However, Tetris Battle in Facebook has just started to get close to those numbers that we need,
thus we will be opening up more options to play live with other players in the game.

We don't mind constructive critism, but please support us so that that can happen.

Tetris Multiplayer is something I've devoted maybe 5~7 years in trying to make it better..
I think it's a great loss to all the gamers if we let it die away..
It is one of best multiplayer games out there.

I'll really love to try to share that love to everyone in the world.  


Thanks for deciding to sign up for an account here and posting.

I'd say that the first thing Tetris Battle on FB needs is sensitivity/das settings like on TF Arena.  I only tried TF Battle one time and stopped because the controls were extremely slow and required a ton of tapping.


Quote from: Blink
Thanks for deciding to sign up for an account here and posting.

I'd say that the first thing Tetris Battle on FB needs is sensitivity/das settings like on TF Arena.  I only tried TF Battle one time and stopped because the controls were extremely slow and required a ton of tapping.

Actually, Tuning feature will be partly released this week in FB Tetris Battle.
And the matching system for live battles have been updated today again,
for better optimization (still work in progress however)

The tuning system in TB is closer to the model I've designed while working for TOJ,
where you can tweak different levels.
(slightly different from TF.com)

Still debating if we should put in the bag, or extended placement in tuning or not.
But if people from harddrop.com are willing to share your opinions...
We're open to hearing out.

Also, I'm working on a new multiplayer balance
in trying to perfect balance between the 3 styles too.
If you're interested in hearing out..
I'm open to starting some discussion threads in the future.

Hope everybody has fun playing Tetris!!