An update from Tetris Friends

Started by Blink, August 03, 2009, 06:13:56 PM

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I messaged tetrisfriends on their twitter about when real-time multiplayer was going to be ready, because it's been a long time since I've heard about any new updates on TetrisFriends.  This was the response:
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]

tetrisfriends:  We're still testing internally. The plan is to recruit external users within the next 2 weeks.
tetrisfriends: If all goes well, we'll be in closed beta by 8/17. Don't hold me to that though. [/quote]

Looks like they're getting pretty close to having an official real-time multiplayer Tetris game here in the U.S., a beta version of it anyway.


yeah, if they're setting a date then they must be making progress on it. coolness.


Heh, I was going to start a thread asking if there were plans for this. Not surprised that there are.

Jeez I'm starting to think buying Tetris DS might have been a mistake!

But not if I can get on my boss's wireless connection at work. Hope that's not too hard.
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music:


it'll be impossible if your boss uses WPA encryption.


Cool, probably why they recently updated the website layout. - for free online games and MMOs!


Quote from: jujube
it'll be impossible if your boss uses WPA encryption.

I dunno, he's pretty dumb. We'll just have to wait and see.
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music:


Closed beta? Does that mean that they will allow people who actually care to test it? Maybe they will actually listen to what they have to say and make it a good multiplayer system.


^I think closed beta means they will only select a few who care to test it, not everyone who wants to. I think the purpose is to get feedback from those who have been playing TF a lot. I might be wrong though. - for free online games and MMOs!


Quote from: hienwa
^I think closed beta means they will only select a few who care to test it, not everyone who wants to. I think the purpose is to get feedback from those who have been playing TF a lot. I might be wrong though.
I hope they pick Jujube then
It's all about the love


they never stick to the dates they set. i don't trust them.


Quote from: mzhang
they never stick to the dates they set. i don't trust them.

Yeah they're pretty sucky at keeping their deadlines.  On another note, I will be one of the closed beta participants so maybe I'll live stream some and start a thread for your guys suggestions.  I think they are going to have alot of beta testers though, so who knows maybe alot of people on this forum will already be testing too.


Quote from: clincher
I hope they pick Jujube then
haha i don't play that much. but if asked i would be glad to do some testing.


I asked them about how to get on the beta list via twitter. Here's their response:

"We'll have a sign-up form for participants later this month. I'll be sure to announce it via Twitter as well."


Quote from: Blink
Yeah they're pretty sucky at keeping their deadlines.  On another note, I will be one of the closed beta participants so maybe I'll live stream some and start a thread for your guys suggestions.  I think they are going to have alot of beta testers though, so who knows maybe alot of people on this forum will already be testing too.

That must mean that they are getting close if they already recruited you. Blink you should put in a good word to allow all the hard drop users.


yea we all wanna be testers, especially me!

look at my avatar!!!